RJS PopCalendar R.5
语言:英文 授权形式:开源
.NET下的日历控件。支持CSS定制、Ajax,分别有针对不同.NET Framework的版本。浏览器支持:Opera 7.21+, Netscapte 7+, Mozilla 1.4+, Mozilla FirexFox And IE5.5+。

Show a Popup Calendar
Use the Culture for support the calendar language (Cultures not Supported: ar-SA, th-TH, div-MV)
Support Right-to-Left for next cultures: Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Hebrew and Syriac.
Disable Holidays and Weekends Selection
Move the Calendar (IE Only)
Use fade Effects
Draw a Shadow
Keep Over the Select Options and Applets
Select using ranges of days (Specific Date, Today or Another TextBox Field)
Use differents formats like (dd-mm-yyyy, yyyy.mmmm.dd, mmm/dd/yyyy, etc.)
Validate dates using the keyboard
Examples in VB.Net and C#
Run in Opera 7.21+, Netscapte 7+, Mozilla 1.4+, Mozilla FirexFox And IE5.5+
Use CSS to change the appearance of the Calendar
Support Required Date
Run Using SmartNavigation
More compatibility with .Net Validatores
Implement IntelliSense Support (HTML) and More...

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